Bringing Home a New Pet

Bringing Home a New Pet

Many of us are bringing home a new pet during this tumultuous time. Whether it’s a foster friend or a forever friend, there are some management strategies that can make this easier on both the new addition as well as the humans of the household. This can be an...
Get Your Dog to Listen to You!

Get Your Dog to Listen to You!

Why isn’t my dog listening to me already? A common misconception among dog owners is that dogs aren’t listening because they don’t respect their handler. This fails to consider the fact that the domesticated dog has, at best, the capacity of a two-year-old child....
Scent Enrichment for Your Dog

Scent Enrichment for Your Dog

Like chewing, scent enrichment satisfies an important natural drive that every dog has. By providing healthy outlets that stimulate our dog’s natural desires we are improving their lives immensely. This can be as simplistic as allowing your dog to stop during a...
Choose the Right Dog Chew

Choose the Right Dog Chew

Chewing is an important source of enrichment for our dogs. With so many dog chew products out there, how does a dog owner figure out what chew toys to provide for their pets? One rule of thumb I follow is to let the dog guide you. What textures and scents do your dog...
What is Dog Enrichment?

What is Dog Enrichment?

What is dog enrichment? Dog enrichment is the process of making the animal’s living space interesting and stimulating so as to decrease boredom and its subsequent problems. Mental stimulation is at least as crucial as physical exercise. Many behavior problems...

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