How can you help small businesses?

by | Apr 28, 2020 | Dog Training | 0 comments

help each other out!How can we as individuals help small businesses during this crazy time? We are all feeling the stress of uncertainty and for some, this includes money. Fortunately, in this day of digital and online platforms, there are multiple ways to support others! It’s also possible for many of us to still be up and operating with an online teaching platform. I expect many services will remain readily available online even after the pandemic has begun to ease off.

Purchase Products Online

For retail businesses where you’d normally shop in person, see if they’re offering online orders at this time. Even if their website isn’t set up to do so, they might offer flash sales on social media or other platforms.

A local I would like to recommend is Foxly, who offers NM made products featuring beautiful artwork!

Purchase Virtual Products

Lots of small businesses are getting creative during this time by offering virtual or downloadable versions of their products. You may even be able to buy these for a lower rate than the physical products.

Feeling cooped up? Get a subscription of short stories written by award winning local authors through Plot Duckies!

Keep Memberships Going

Subscription or membership based businesses like gyms and fitness studios rely on steady sources of monthly income from members. Since many of these businesses have closed, customers are likely to get refunds or pauses on their memberships. However, if your income isn’t affected by shutdowns, consider keeping these memberships as-is.

One thing that helps us stay healthy and active of course, is a gym membership. With locally owned gyms such as Stretch Strength and Fitness, your membership also opens the window to borrowing equipment to use at home.

Take Online Classes

Additionally, some gyms and similar businesses are finding ways to provide value through online classes. Even if you don’t belong to one already, spending extra time at home may be the perfect excuse to try something new while also supporting a local company.

At Karma Canine, we offer a Cyber training package which is currently discounted by 50% a session. Amazing!

Share Your Favorites on Social Media

You don’t need to have extra money to support small businesses during this time. If you’re concerned about your own finances but still want to help, shout out some of your favorite companies, products, or promotions on social media to let your friends know.

One of MY favorites is a trusted in-home dog walking, pet sitting, grocery delivery service at House Nanny!

Connect with Companies Online

You can also help small businesses increase their online reach simply by interacting with their profiles. Follow a few more of your favorites, and then like and comment on their posts to improve their engagement. This will help more of their content show up in others’ feeds.

Sadly, the circle of life continues even in these volatile times, and you may have need of the services offered by Albuquerque Pet Memorial.

Leave Positive Reviews

Are there businesses in your area that you’ve always meant to leave a review for and just never got around to it? This period where you’re killing time at home is the perfect opportunity to help them gain some social proof and improve their online rankings. And it’s free!

I would like to commend my friend Georgette at Pawsitive Training Abq, because being able to discuss behavior and training with another makes my job even more fun.

Refer People Directly

Of course, you can also help simply by talking about your favorite small businesses to others.

Did you know that swimming is fantastic physical therapy for your pet? At MerMutts, your dog will get one on one attention in the warm waters of a specialized doggy swimming pool.

Opt for Local Stores Over Chains When Possible

The general idea is to purchase from small stores or businesses during this time whenever possible. Even if you don’t have extra money you spend, heading to the corner market for groceries over the big box store can make a major difference for that business owner. This is ultimately a positive practice all the time, but it’s especially important now that many small businesses are struggling to stay afloat.

For a locally owned pet owner’s paradise, visit Long Leash On Life and treat your pet to healthy food!

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